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Top 10 - Ways Republicans Could Improve

Top 10 - Ways Republicans Could Improve

January 25, 2013

Like Bobby Jindal implied today, Republicans have to make a lot of changes to truly represent the people they want to represent. The average Republican has changed a lot, but the party line is still awfully nonsensical and antiquated. Here are some changes that need to be made.

10. Gay rights

Avoid legislating morality. You can disagree with something in principle, but still want to avoid making laws against it or discriminating. The GOP needs to be more tolerant.

9. Abortion rights

Like gay rights, mothers and fathers should have the right to choose what is best for them and their child. You don’t have to agree with it or them. However, again, since Rowe v. Wade, abortion is legal in the US. Being tolerant will help in this situation, too.

8. Clean energy

We need to get America off polluting forms of energy and we need to use cleaner fuel sources. The cleanest fuels tend to be the most dangerous ones, but engines need to be changed and we need to recycle gasoline driven cars and build a pollution-free railway across the country, door to door, just like we paved America.

7. Repay debt

We need to make repaying our debt a priority. Not only will it set a good example, but it will help our country’s credit rating and it will stop hurting the countries we owe. To repay the debt, we’ll need to stop borrowing and start repaying it. We could also create a product nobody else has and export it. If we could export one, essential product everyone would want to use on a daily basis, we could balance the budget and generate a surplus.

6. Control budget

We have to fix our budget by not spending so much. For instance, our foreign budget is out of control. We give many different countries millions and even billions of dollars. We also give away weapons, aircraft and other military vehicles. It appears that we do this in part to gain favor among Muslim nations who don’t like us. Instead of trying to influence them with money, we should open the lines of communication between us and them.

5. Obesity

We have to have a solid plan to implement now to counter obesity. It’s an epidemic and people are suffering and they’re going to suffer a lot. Plus, the short term gains we see through excess spending will turn into long term losses and dependency when these people need to see doctors to be treated for diseases and illnesses that are weight related.

4. Bringing jobs back to US

We have to bring jobs back home. This will cost companies more because domestic employees will require higher pay and benefits. This will also increase the prices of the products they make, which will be passed on to the consumers. Nonetheless, we have high unemployment and too many people relying on government support, so we need to fix and improve our economy and this is how we can do it.

3. Peace with Iran, N. Korea, China

We make a habit of making angry, irrational enemies for poor reasons. We need to be friends with our "sworn enemies", as North Korea characterizes us. It doesn’t matter if they do things we don’t like. It doesn’t matter what they say. We shouldn’t be hurting their economy with sanctions because that hurts all of their citizens and creates a lot of enemies. Plus, it just isn’t nice or right.

We need to open the lines of communication with all people - even ones we label as terrorists. The only way to stop the bloodshed is to talk and listen to everyone. These people are interested in talking about their ideals and compromises can be reached more often than not.

2. Support for 2 state solution in Palestine and Israel

We give Israel extraordinary amounts of money and weapons. However, Palestinians don’t get much support from us or anyone else because they’re not officially a state. The land they own is disconnected and they still don’t have part of their land because Israel is occupying it. Jerusalem needs to be open to all religions, protected and improved.

1. We need to bring our troops home and seek to form a military wing of the UN

We have hundreds of thousands of troops all around the world. Many of the countries where they stay are run by governments that have citizens who do not like us or the military presence. In fact, it incites all sorts of problems like suicide bombers. We need to bring our troops home from hostile lands. We also need to form a military wing of the United Nations.



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